I am living in Fujinomiya. I visited Tokyo when I was a high school student, I found the Tokyo and Fujinomiya have many differences. First, there are a lot of people in Tokyo. However in Fujinomiya there are not. Second, there are a lot of buildings in Tokyo, but few building in Fujinomiya. Third, Tokyo is more useful than Fujinomiya. For example, Tokyo is a full of traffic, yet Fujinomiya is not. What’s more, Tokyo is full of shops, but Fujinomiya is not. Finally, Fujinomiya has more nature than Tokyo. There are a lot of trees in Fujinomiya, and a lot of mountains. Fujinomiya’s water is delicious. On the other hand, Tokyo’s water is not delicious. Tokyo and Fujinomiya have many different points. But good places both Fujinomiya and Tokyo.
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